Personal Development Planning for nurses

The first question we need to ask is: what is Personal Development Planning? Many people mistake a Personal Development Plan (PDP) for an appraisal or annual review of their job role, and therefore do not think about completing one, as they have already carried out this annual process. However, appraisal is about your role within the organisation you are working in, and can focus more on your day-to-day working rather than your personal goals, aspirations, and expectations.

We therefore need to address certain key questions:

What is a PDP?

How does it affect me?

When does it need to be completed?

How do I compile a PDP?

What are the benefits to me of completing a PDP?


What is a PDP?

A PDP is a tool that helps you to be proactive and to take responsibility for the way you think about your career. It helps you achieve your goals, both personally and professionally. It makes you think about where you want to go, plan how to get there, and then start moving.

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