Nurse Blogg Episode 2: It Burns!!!!

13 years 6 months ago #935 by Vms118

Victorus Aut Mortis.

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13 years 6 months ago #920 by rhianp
ooh nasty, can't say i have ever had a swig of milton myself but i can imagine it is pretty rank.

with regards to spilling gutta percha...i caught a assorted box of paper points with the end of my college tweezers and it went flying accross the corian dentist rolled his eyes and said nothing, i think you can guess what i spent my lunch time doing!!!! :unsure:

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13 years 11 months ago #292 by Miss_Floss
Haha glad u like it! Don't apologise for the exclamation mark usage...I'm the worst in the world for putting them all over the place!!!! B)

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13 years 11 months ago #282 by stranger
thank god i'm not the only one! not been in this job so long myself but i'm always doin silly stuff! your blogs amuse me no end when i'v had a hard days work! write on! excuse the extreme over use of exclamation marks

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14 years 3 days ago #207 by bhirchfeld
i dont think you should be doing this type of work you silly silly girl

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14 years 1 week ago #165 by Miss_Floss
Haha Oh no...I do love that smell though...Mmmm eugenol!

Thankfully I didn't actually drink the Milton's..I just took a big sip then my first reaction was to just spit it out because it actually hurt!

My practice manager made me sip milk for the rest of the day to cool my mouth down lol :laugh:

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14 years 1 week ago #162 by Iain
hahaha sooooo funny! I wish we had someone like you at where I work now.

I remember when I first had to mix Sedanol. I got out the eugenol liquid and thought "How on earth do I get that onto the pad?" so instead of using my initiative I poured it directly onto the pad! It went EVERYWHERE! The surgery smelt for weeks afterwards! Shame we didnt use Kalzinol which has its its own little dispenser top thing - would've saved me a lot of embarrassment!

But... drinking hypochlorite... haha sorry to laugh but I can just imagine it!

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14 years 1 week ago #155 by Miss_Floss
Good to know!

I'm sure it's reasuring to all new nurses...I hope my blogg is too, I hope they will learn from my mistakes!! :lol:

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14 years 1 week ago #151 by louise7111
On my first day, 9 1/2 years ago, one of the first things that I was told was, if something goes wrong you're not the first person to have done it...............
Straight away I felt at ease and for every new member of staff, I tell them the same thing. :laugh:

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14 years 2 weeks ago #102 by colette
Dats soo funny, you poor ting! When did you start nursing?? Your brave using ppls names you work with!! Not very discrete...

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14 years 2 weeks ago #89 by salsabeth1
p.s If it doesn't work out being a dental nurse, maybe you should try stand up comedy or a sit com!!! :lol:

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14 years 2 weeks ago #88 by salsabeth1
As a manager I'm not sure if I really should be laughing at this, but it's sooo funny, I have a new nurse starting on Monday, I must show her this blog, to remind her we all have to start somewhere and she's not the only one in the learning boat!

Keep up the good work

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14 years 3 weeks ago #84 by nicciv83
Hahahha you poor thing!! i have to make sure that i dont mistake the cup of miltons for water, as im always drinking water out those cups. And the part with the GPpoints,i did exactly the same thing last year!! Ive been a nurse for 9 years and still have the odd hiccup!!! :P

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14 years 3 weeks ago #80 by Miss_Floss
Thanks, glad to know my mishaps are funny to others, even if they are embarassing for me!

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14 years 3 weeks ago #78 by shazza
Hilarious. Have been a dental nurse for 22 years now and remember those days well. Can't say I ever drank Hypochlorite tho!! Will be reading all your blogs, cheers me up no end! x

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14 years 3 weeks ago - 14 years 3 weeks ago #72 by Miss_Floss
Blind pain!!!!!

Assisted with an initial stage root canal today. Intriguing. Have seen lots of weird little instruments and devices…

Joy, in her usual no nonsense manner, was showing me what equipment to get out before the procedure, explaining what each was needed for…my mind began to wander…Next thing I know OMG my whole mouth is on fire, what the hell??!! I ran over to the sink to spit out the contents of my mouth. Only then did I realise what I had done. Lesson learnt for the day: do not go swigging a drink of water from a plastic cup from the water cooler, go into a day dream, then reach out and take a big ol’ gulp from a cup containing Sodium Hypochlorite. I mean come on Joy, common sense would say do not put the Milton’s in the type of cup someone is likely to bloody drink out of - stupid woman.

I had to trapse upstairs to record the whole sorry affair in the accident book “Name of casualty” Hmmm, what should I call it? ‘The Milton’s Incident‘? Yeah why not. “Umm, your supposed to write your name in that bit” said Valerie, Practice Manager, giving me a weird, albeit slightly concerned look. How was I supposed to know what it meant? How embarrassing. Probably not quite as cringe worthy as when Valerie first introduced herself and I decided to break out into a bit of Amy Winehouse…

Anyway, trotted back downstairs to continue with RCT only to find Rodger sniffing a K-file. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww. I nudged Joy and pulled a face, which she ignored. The rest of the treatment went smoothly enough. I measured and passed some files, developed a radiograph, prepared the Apex Locator…I was getting quite into it…provided aspiration whilst Rodger was irrigating the canals. The smell of Milton’s made me shudder and I took extra care to make sure none went into the patient’s mouth.

All was going well until, in my over enthusiasm whilst rummaging in the endo drawer for some Cresophene, I managed to tip a massive packet of Gutta Percha points all over the floor. Urgh. Felt a bit wasteful and Joy wasn’t happy; “You have to be more careful, materials don’t grow on trees you know.” “Well actually Gutta Percha…” I began to retort but thought better of it.

Mishaps aside it wasn’t a bad day. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to refrain from causing myself GBH… :blush:

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