Another autoclave printout question

10 years 5 months ago #5876 by rg2903
I keep our autoclave printouts along with a photocopy - I was just wondering how long they need to be kept for though? HTM says minimum 2 years, but then it goes on to say

"Health Service Circular (HSC) 1999/053 and the subsequent ‘Records management: code of practice parts 1 and 2’ (April 2006) provide guidance on
the length of time for which records should be retained. Reference should be made to the time period of legal rights of patients, and all relevant documentation should be retained for the practice to meet any request within these rights. The code requires that these records be maintained for not less than two years, although longer periods may be applicable subject to local policy-making."

I understand that as meaning they should be kept as long as we keep the patient records, as if a patient was to request all the records we hold for them they could also potentially ask for proof that we were doing everything we should be at that time? Having had a look at the Records Management Code of Practice, I'm even more confused! Dental records should be kept for 11 years for adults, or 11 years / until 25th birthday (whichever is longer) for children. Then it goes on to say that records regarding equipment validation should be kept for the lifetime of the equipment. So which is it - 2 years, 11 years or as long as the autoclave lasts?


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