Sick, sick, sick!

13 years 1 month ago #1312 by parker1
Why are you being so loyal?

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13 years 2 months ago #1253 by ARdental
Sounds like you need a new job and quick
I have heard of DN being in the same situation
With all the new CQC coming in you may find that youre star PM gets a bit of a problem! as its paper work to the mass and alot of safety checks and procedues to ensure the practice is doing correctly
If you are considering a job change i know a guy who can help
Send me a message and i shall pass over his details
Cheers and i hope things improve or move youve got to enjoy your job

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13 years 3 months ago #1191 by tapiwa
guys you need to leave. i always say that the stress of dealing with a patient is enough, you dont want that dreaded feeling in the morning"the OMG do i have to". i used to be in that situation once and in the end i left and it was the best decision i ever made. It was hard because i had built friendships and liked everybody ese but you know what? till today we still meet up foe lunch or coffee and its fun......So chin are worth much more and leave you can find better oppotunities

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13 years 3 months ago #1170 by Max
Thats OK. Hope thing get better for you on the work front.

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13 years 3 months ago #1169 by KLKennedy
Thanks, but I'm in Dumfries, SW Scotland. Think Coventry might be a wee bit too far to travel! But thanks anyway x


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13 years 3 months ago #1168 by Max
Where do you girls work ?

I know of a Specialist Perodontist and also Implant practice looking for a nurse.

The guy is really nice to work for I work with him every other Monday when he
visits our practice

He is based in Coventry area if any one is interested feel free to touch base with me and I will pass on details to him.

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13 years 3 months ago #1167 by KLKennedy
Thanks FiFi. The situation is affecting all the nurses. We feel we're being punished for showing up to work! It's just getting ridiculous. I suggested a meeting to my boss today to get the issues discussed, but I know we'll be hitting a brick wall. None of us are wanting to stay there but at the same time we don't want to break up the team.
Thanks for your support & I'll keep a note of your email x :)


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13 years 3 months ago #1165 by KLKennedy
What a sitiuation we find ourselves in at work. I've worked for my employer for a total of 10 years. Yet my boss doesn't seem to believe a thing I say nor does he listen to my opinions on anything. In fact, he doesn't listen to the opinions of any of the nurses. He's made a receptionist, who couldn't manage the basics of that job, practice manager, despite the fact the only experience she's got in the dental setting is sitting admiring her nails at the desk. Now she's the PM, she thinks everything will go her way & she also sneaks into the surgery in the evening when everyone's finished to bitch about the nurses to the boss. Yet, he takes her word as gospel & doesn't want to hear anything from anyone else. To say the least, it's frustrating for me. She was only in the receptionist's post a year. I know how the practice runs, it was me, after all, who taught the last manager about filling out the ledger & how to do the wages. All 5 nurses now want to leave the practice because our new PM is causing so many problems & grief. Is this what it will take for him to realise there is a problem?!
He took one of the other nurses aside the other day to say he'd heard that some staff were applying for other jobs. We tried talking to him, as a group, the other day & he walked out the room. We've tried talking to him individually about the problems at the practice, but he doesn't listen.
It's reached fever point where no nurses actually want to turn up for work because they can't be bothered with the strife. We all get on as a whole, & to be honest, have actually written to a new practice opening locally, as a team looking for jobs. We're a really good team of nurses & would hate to see any other leave the team as it would leave a hole. But we can't go on the way we're going, it's not good for our health!
Has anyone else been in this situation, & if so, what happened? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :(


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