Accredited Certificate in Measuring and Recording of Plaque Indices

 Next start date: 20 May 2024   75.00 70.00 inc. VAT
 3 months Distance Learning

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Plaque indices distance learning

The aim of this accredited course is to enable oral health educators to incorporate the use of the plaque control record confidently and competently into their appointments in order to help motivate patients to improve their oral hygiene. Plaque scoring using disclosing tablets or solutions is part of oral health education, which dental nurses may carry out without a referral as long as they are trained, competent, and indemnified.   Course Brochure

We have now updated this course to include basic oral health education training to enable dental nurses who do not hold the OHE qualification to complete the course. Please note that this course awards an accredited certificate in plaque indices and not oral health education. 

Summary of learning objectives

  • Have a good understanding of what indices are.
  • Be able to explain why we use dental plaque indices.
  • Be aware of different plaque indices methods. 
  • Be able to explain as a step-by-step guide the process of taking a dental plaque score (Plaque Control Score).
  • Have a good understanding of how we can use plaque indices in practice as dental nurses.
  • Be aware of any pre- / post- dental plaque indices advice to give the patient.
  • Be able to confidently write up appointment notes. 
  • Understand the importance of evidence based dentistry.
  • Understand the key principles within the Delivering Better Oral Health toolkit.


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